Effective Natural Potion Cleanse the Black Neck

Skin stripes usually occur due to the wrong of our attention to the body parts. most people will pay attention to more areas of the face. usually the skin of the elbow of the arm or even the area of the skin of the neck will look more black.

For women or men this is a problem that will affect confidence. Well, to restore the brightness of the skin in the blackened area you should take care of it regularly with the treatment to the salon or you can also do it with natural materials at home like using lemon.

Lemon juice juice is believed to whiten and brighten the blackened skin. well to get maximum lemon results can also be mixed with other materials as will be described below:

1. Lemon in honey mixed

Prepare lemon and honey then put on a container and mix them together until they are completely solidified. then wash the mixture in the blackened neck or in other areas and leave it for thirty minutes. well if it's thirty minutes you can clean the potion with warm water. do this method for a month undoubtedly the neck or other areas that are blackened will be bright again.

2. Lemon with a mixture of roses

Prepare the ingredients of the lemon and roses. then mix the material until evenly distributed in one container with the amount of 1: 1. after in mixed you can wipe the ingredients to the neck and other areas that blackened and leave for the whole night. then the next day you can wash it with warm water.
do it once a week in a month.

3. Lemon in turmeric mix

Combine lemon and turmeric in a container until the mixture looks evenly distributed. after that wipe the potion evenly to the neck or other blackened areas in your body. let stand for 15 minutes then after that you can wash with warm water. Do this every day of the month.

4. Lemon mixed with tomatoes

Take a lemon and mix it with a tomato. then apply this herb to your neck and other areas. let stand for 50 minutes after that you must wash with warm water.

5. Lemon and olive oil

Mix lemon and olive oil on one container and stir until evenly distributed. after mereta you can apply it in the neck area or other areas that blacken let stand up to 30 minutes. afterwards you can wash it with warm water.